
Open Call for 2027 Νew ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences

Since 2003 ECCOMAS has supported the organization of Thematic Conferences. These Thematic Conferences are envisaged to form a series, with editions that are organized on a biennial basis, taking place in odd years (see The ECCOMAS Managing Board has decided to launch a call for proposals for new ECCOMAS Thematic Conferences commencing in 2027. This […]


1st HICOMP Conference

The 1st Hellenic-Italian Conference on Computational Mechanics, Biomechanics and Mechanics of Materials (1st HICOMP Conference) organized jointly by the Greek Association of Computational Mechanics (GRACM) and by three Italian AIMETA Groups: AIMETA Group of Biomechanics (GBMA), Italian Group of Computational Mechanics (GIMC) and AIMETA Mechanics of Materials Group (GMA) under the auspices of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), will be held on 19-21 June 2025 on the Island of Rhodes, Greece. 


The treatise “Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) Method” by NTUA Professor Christopher Provatidis has been uploaded to the Kallipos Repository

The treatise “The Isogeometric Analysis Method” by NTUA professor Christopher Provatidis has been uploaded to the Kallipos repository. This book explains the Isogeometric Analysis method. It’s an improved Finite Element Method using NURBS.Since 2008, many European projects have used it. Some created open-source software for students. Commercial software is also adopting it.You need CAD and


9th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics

4-6 June 2018, Chania, Crete, GREECE. Τhe Greek Association of Computational Mechanics (GRACM) in association with the School of Production Engineering & Management of the Technical University of Crete organize the 9th conference in a series of congresses in the area of Computational Mechanics. GRACM is a member of ECCOMAS – the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences – and is

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