10th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Athens, Greece, 5-7 July 2021

The Greek Association of Computational Mechanics (GRACM) in association with the National Technical University of Athens organize the Virtual International Congress in the field of Computational Mechanics. This is the 10th Congress in the series of congresses organized by GRACM.

GRACM is a member of ECCOMS-the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences- and is affiliated with IACM-the International Association for Computational Mechanics. The first Congress was held in 1982 and is organized since then by GRACM in a different city in association with local Educational/Research Institutions.

The Congress series aims to highlight state-of-the art innovative research activities, related to numerical and analytical tools, or their combination, in the area of theoretical and applied mechanics. Researchers involved in fundamental or applied research are highly appreciated to participate.

Colleagues interested to organize mini-symposia are asked to send their proposals to the organizers, as soon as possible, with a short description. In case of approval, the mini-symposia will be shown in the Congress Web page.

Young researchers are particularly encouraged to present their work and they will receive reduced fees for participating to the Congress. Furthermore, Best Doctoral Theses Awards will be given to theses on Computational Mechanics that were defended in 2018, 2019, 2020 (one award for each year). The best theses will be selected among those that were or will be submitted to GRACM in the framework of the pertinent ECCOMAS call. The awards will be presented to the winners upon the closing of the Congress.

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