9th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics

4-6 June 2018, Chania, Crete, GREECE.

Τhe Greek Association of Computational Mechanics (GRACM) in association with the School of Production Engineering & Management of the Technical University of Crete organize the 9th conference in a series of congresses in the area of Computational Mechanics.

GRACM is a member of ECCOMAS – the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences – and is affiliated with IACM – the International Association for Computational Mechanics. The first congress was held in 1992 and is organized ever since by GRACM in a different city in association with local Educational/Research Institutions.

The conference series is dedicated to bringing to the forefront current and innovative research activities, which combine numerical methods and analytical tools in the field of theoretical and applied mechanics. Researchers whose line of research is either fundamental or applied are encouraged to participate.

Colleagues interested to organize minisymposia must send their proposals to the organizers, as soon as possible, with a short description. If approved, the minisymposia will be shown in the conference Web page. For further information follow the corresponding link: https://9gracm.tuc.gr/2017/10/19/callminisymposia/

Young researchers are particularly encouraged to present their work and reduced fees are offered for this purpose. Furthermore, a Best Doctoral Thesis Award will be given to a thesis on Computational Mechanics defended in 2017. The best thesis will be selected among those who will be submitted to GRACM in the framework of the relevant ECCOMAS call. The award will be presented to the winner upon the closing of the conference.

The official language of the Congress is English.

All registered participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance for GRACM 2018.

Technical University of Crete was founded in 1977 and is oriented towards innovative and modern engineering areas and research.

The conference venue is the the Cultural Center of Chania, located in the center of the city of Chania in the island of Crete, Greece. Chania is a wonderful destination for tourists.

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