
Become a member



According to the constitution of the Association:

- The members of the Association may be regular, honorary or corresponding members.
- Regular (full) members, may be graduates from Greek or equivalent Foreign Universities who have an adequete number of publications in the area of Computational Mechanics. A reasonable number of these publications must be written in a foreign language and published in international scientific journals.

- All regular members of GRACM must have Greek nationality.

- Honorary members of GRACM are distinguished scientists who have excelled in the science of Computational Mechanics or other relevant sciences, as well as personalities who contributed, with their social activities, to the promotion of this scientific area or other relevant scientific areas.

- Corresponding members of GRACM are distinguished scientists (of Greek or foreign nationality) who live permanently abroad, with acclaimed scientific work in the area of Computational Mechanics, or in relevant scientific areas.

- Anyone who wishes to become a regular (full) member of GRACM should submit an application to the Board of GRACM (see bottom of web page) together with a CV stating his or her scientific contribution in the area of Computational Mechanics. Following a written recommendation of at least two of the regular members of the Association, the Executive Board takes the final decision, with a majority of votes.

- Honorary and corresponding members are directly elected from the Executive Board of GRACM with a majority of 2/3 of its members, after a written recommendation of at least one member of the Executive Board, together with another regular member of GRACM.

- All members of the association are eligible to fully participate in the General Assemblies of the members of GRACM

- In particular, it is the responsibility of the regular members to participate in the regular General Assemblies as well as in any special meeting of the Assembly.

- Regular members have the right to vote and to be elected as members of the Board, according to the terms in the Constitution of GRACM.

- Members are obliged to fulfil their financial obligations toward the Association and to comply with the terms in the Constitution, as well as with the decisions of the General Assembly and the Board of Directors




To become a member of GRACM, please download and complete the Application for Registration

Please, send this application together with your Curriculum Vitae to the following address:

Prof. Georgios Stavroulakis
President of GRACM
Department of Production Engineering and Management
Technical University of Crete, Chania
Tel      +302821037418
FAX    +302821069410

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